Mexican turkey1

It’s good to be here, and I have many things for which to be thankful. Perhaps first and foremost is that F and I had a very nice dinner together which may well be the start of a healing process. The summer and fall have been very difficult for both of us, and as with so many things, misunderstandings have made the bad things much worse than they needed to be. We have the usual misunderstandings that couples have, and then we’ve got a few more layers on top. Cultural differences are a subtle threat that that are usually overlooked. Yet the very essence of culture is that everyone takes it for granted and considers it normal, thus giving it no thought. I would argue that we often know the least about our own cultures for that very reason. In fact, one of the interesting side effects of my having spent so much time in Mexico, and having learned Spanish and gained access to this culture is that I’ve learned a ton about my own culture, with its unspoken mores, assumptions, and practices.  Some of those things have tripped me up with F, and vice versa. Language is also something of a barrier, though less than it used to be. Sure, I’m pretty fluent, but I still find it quite challenging to have a nuanced conversation. I often feel that I’m either too blunt or haven’t really said what I wanted to say.

Where we go from here remains unclear, but a rapprochement beckons.

Tomorrow (Thanksgiving Day) I will be particularly suelto, as F has to work, and I so far have little in the way of plans. L is tied up until Friday after work. I’m hoping to catch up with another friend here who a few years ago left a career with an international advertising firm to open his mid-century furniture and decorative arts store in La Condesa. But his father is seriously ill in hospital, so Julio’s schedule is hard to count on. And I totally understand his need to prioritize his father.

Mexico has no tradition of thanksgiving like ours, though they do have a name for ours: El Día de Acción de Gracias. But it’s not celebrated here, and based on a single conversation with my taxi driver from the airport, not terribly well understood. But how many Gringos understand Día de Muertos? Readers of this blog aside, not many, I’d wager.

I may seek out a Thanksgiving dinner in one of the hotels rumored to offer such things. Or I may simply “go native,” eat tacos, and literally count my blessings which are many. I feel very fortunate in my life. I have great health, a wonderful family, amazing friends, and now an amazing degree of freedom. And of course I am thankful for all my readers and wonderful friends I’ve met and have yet to meet through blogging.

May you enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving and all the blessings that this life has to offer.